test of adding element or AllPortraitsEditorial-StreetOBICityscapesChairsBW NicoleNicole - 44mm f5 1/100 JesseJesse - 52mm f5 1/60 MyaMya- 45mm f5 1/60 KaylaKayla- 72mm f5.6 1/80 SarahSarah - 76mm F4, 1/100sec Softbox and high rim MarkMark - 44mm f5 1/100 NicoleNicole - 53mm f5 1/60 JanJan - 69mm f5.6 1/100 Gallery4Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quidem, provident. ResistanceResistance - 39mm f20 1/80 B&W Conversion MyaMya 60mm, F5, 1/125. Natural lighting with minimal fill flash. Post processed to HighKey KellyKelly - 50mm /f5/1/200 Natural light with fill flash JulieJulie - 85mm, f6.3, 1/200 Natural light with fill flash JesseJesse 37mm f4.5 1/60 Natural light and fill flash TerryTerry- 24mm f6.3 1/200 RobinsonRobinson- 44mm f5 1/200 JamesJames - 149mm f7.1 1/320 AndrewAndrew - 135mm f5.6 1/200 KaylaKayla - 100mm f5.6 1/80 Sarah - AnnieSarah -Annie- 100mm f8 1/125 LizLiz- 135mm f5.6 1/200 MitchMitch- 135mm f5.6 1/200 PhillipsPhillips - 135mm f5.6 1/200 PatrickPatrick - 19mm f4.5 1/200 MyaMya - 135mm f56 1/125 NicoleNicole - 19mm f4.5 1/200 TerryTerry - 44mm f6.3 1/160 MylesMyles - 135mm f5.6 1/125 T.M.T.M. - 100mm f6.3 1/125 BalanceBalance - 18mm f18 1/180 CBUS21mm f22 1/40 with polarizer Capital85mm f5.6 1/2000 Three points18mm 6.3 1/320 Bridges18mm f8 1/125 Level 420mm f5.6 1/320 Rhoads18mm f10 1/200 Rhoads47mm f8 1/125 shadows60mm 5.6 1/320 bridges4.15mm f2.3 1/20 iPhone6s LeVeque108mm f5 1/640 thru blue gradient glass Power214mm f5 1/1600 Bridges4.15mm f2.2 1/30 iphone6s StageDoor4.15mm f2.2 1/30 iphone6s Bridges18mm f22 1/80 with a partial B&W conversion winter-flowwinter river in the city Worldclass18mm f13 1/200 river way Stillness GBIS106mm f5.6 1/100 Blues36mm 7.1 1/20 Nail55mm f5.6 1/125 I I do too Andre choice?100mm f5.6 1/80 Speed119 f14 1/13 Eclipse135mm f5.6 1/1000 Eclipse2135mm 5.6 1/1000 coneflower on grey42mm f5 1/200 Park48mm f5 1/40 Park two50mm f5 1/40 Higher Learning67mm f5.6 1/100 Red64 f8 1/100 Marathon135mm f5.6 1/00 Aware 135mm f5.6 1/00 Found75mm f6.3 1/125 Redemption75mm f6.3 1/125 Look!100mm f6.3 1/250 Boy show his faher the helicopter at Grace Fellowships' 4th Annual Eggsplosion egg drop, Friday April 6th 2012 In Pikerington Ohio. Ashley28mm f4.5 1/2500